Application Process

1. Expression of Interest in the QFC

You can initiate your expression of interest in setting up an entity under the QFC by completing the ‘Start Your Setup’ form. You can also contact our business development team at +974 4496 7836 or email

Based on your plans and business operations, our Business Development Team will confirm to you if your operations are aligned with ‘QFC Permitted Activities’, as defined by the QFC Financial Services Regulations (FSR), and if your entity is considered to add strategic value to Qatar and the QFC.

If your proposed activities are approved, a member of our Financial Services Sector (FSS) will guide you through the process of obtaining the required authorisation from the QFC Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) and will intermediate with the QFCRA, before proceeding with the rest of the application for the certificate of incorporation or registration. Our FSS team can be reached at +974 4496 7651 or via email

2. Complete Single Online Application

If your proposed business operations are aligned to ‘QFC Permitted Activities’, you will receive a link to our secure QFC Portal where you can complete an online Application for Registration and License.

Upon submission, we will review and assess your application and all supporting documentation. Your dedicated QFC Professional Services Sector Representative will coordinate any remaining follow-ups. Once you satisfy all QFC requirements, your application will be approved.

Click here to view a short tutorial about the online Application for Registration and License with the QFC

All applicants are required to provide beneficial ownership information at the time of making an application for registration and licensing.

Click here for an overview on the QFC’s beneficial ownership regime.


3. Certificate and Scope of License Issued

Once your application is approved, you will receive your Licensing and Registration Certificates, your QFC entity’s Scope of License, and Licensing Letter.

 You can track the status of your application through the QFC Client Portal.

Click here


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