Global Money Week 2020

22.03.2020 - 27.03.2020

We are excited to announce that the fourth edition of Global Money Week (GMW) in Qatar will be held from 22 to 26 March 2020. 

GMW is an annual financial awareness campaign organised by the OECD International Network on Financial Education to inspire children and young people to learn about money matters, livelihoods and entrepreneurship. Since its launch in 2012, GMW has reached more than 40 million children in 175 countries.

As in the three  previous editions of GMW in Qatar, we will collaborate with different schools to organise interactive and fun workshops for primary students. Last year and with your help, we reached 15 schools and around 1,250 students. This year, we hope to engage more students by collaborating with more schools and, of course, all of you!

To deliver the workshops, we are looking for Arabic and English speaking volunteers as guest teachers at one of the participating schools. The workshops will be for 1 hour and all the material and instructions will be provided to you. What we would need from you is your enthusiasm and your time! 

By volunteering, you will help to:

  • Educate children and youth to become empowered economic citizens
  • Teach young people how to manage their money wisely
  • Help create a positive wave that will expand from the youth to their families and to entire communities


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