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Emerging Opportunities in Digital: Qatar & Russia

01:00 pm - 02:00 pm

The Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) cordially invites you to attend its upcoming webinar, entitled: “Emerging Opportunities: Qatar & Russia”, organised in collaboration with Qatari-Russian Center for Cooperation (QRCC).

The first session, titled ‘How to Succeed in the Qatari Digital Market.'The session will introduce Qatar’s digital market, the opportunities and the advanced technologies adopted in the market. 


1:00 PM - 1:05 PM | Introduction 

Andrey Egorov, Director, Office of Knowledge and Innovation, QRCC

1:05 PM – 1:20 PM | Russian Digital Landscape, Potential for International Markets 

Jahongirbek Burhonov, Vice President, Business Development, QFC
Noor Nedal Abu Khadija, Tasmu Digital Valley Program Acting Lead, MOTC/TASMU
Hassan Ismail Alemadi, Assistant Director Government Accounts, Ooredoo
Fahad Al Kuwari, Head of Market Intelligence, QFZA
Pontus All, Investment Manager, QSTP
Moderator: Andrey Egorov ,Director, Office of Knowledge and Innovation, QRCC

1:50 PM – 1:55 PM | Q&As

1:55 PM – 02:00 PM | Closing Remarks

Andrey Egorov, Director, Office of Knowledge and Innovation, QRCC


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