Humanitarian Response

Office of the UN Secretary-General's Humanitarian Envoy, His Excellency Dr Ahmed Al-Meraikhi (Left) shaking hands with António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General (Right)

As part of the Qatar Financial Centre's social investment programme, the QFC is honoured to be supporting the Office of the UN Secretary-General's Humanitarian Envoy, His Excellency Dr Ahmed Al-Meraikhi. Through our collaborative efforts, the QFC endeavors to play an active role in shedding much needed light on key UN global and local humanitarian relief and sustainability issues, as well as facilitate the increased mobilisation of the private sector towards addressing these pressing concerns.

General Engagement

Humanitarian crises now affect more people for longer. Humanitarian needs will remain extremely high. In 2019, nearly 132 million people in 42 countries around the world will need humanitarian assistance, including protection. Now is the time to identify the root causes creating these humanitarian needs and in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 17. All actors the humanitarian and development fields must cooperate with one another, thus bringing together governments, NGOs, financial institutions and the private sector to find dynamic responses.

We are all in this together. The SDGs are universal and call for action to ensure no one is left behind. This means mobilising all resources; technology development, financial resources, capacity building; and dynamic multi-stakeholder partnerships to deliver effectiveness and impact.

UNRWA Zakat Fund​

Emergency food for Gaza

The man-made humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to have a detrimental impact on the food security of Palestine refugees in Gaza. The economic impact of the blockade, including rising unemployment rates, has increased the vulnerability and eroded the coping mechanisms of Palestine refugee families. For the over 900,000 people who now rely on emergency food assistance in Gaza, these basic food supplies represent not only food on their shelves, but a sense of hope.

At a time when the need in Gaza grows, the financial resources to meet that need have been increasingly under threat. Donations to UNRWA Zakat Fund are crucial to ensuring that families in Gaza continue to receive emergency food assistance. UNRWA provides food assistance on a quarterly basis. Palestine refugee families eligible for food assistance include households that live below US$ 3.87 per person per day (absolute poverty) and US$ 1.47 per person per day (abject poverty).

Donate Today

Donation to UNRWA Zakat Fund  will support the poorest and most vulnerable Palestine refugees with food and cash assistance.

Meet Amal from Gaza

My son Sameeh impatiently waits for the food assistance we receive through UNRWA. He loves to drink the milk," explains Amal, who beams with pride whenever speaking about her children.

A single mother of seven, Amal and her family live in a dilapidated home in Beach camp, Gaza. In winter, rain leaks through the celling in the bedroom. In summer, the corrugated zinc and asbestos roofing makes their home incredibly hot.

Amal's family is considered 'abject poor' as they live on less than US$ 1.74 per person per day. "UNRWA food assistance is very important to us. It helps us survive and provides stability in a volatile environment."

My main concern in life is to provide for my children. They are still children and innocent; they should not have to suffer.

Donations to UNRWA Zakat Fund support Palestine refugee fathers like Sami put food on the table. If you want to engage more with the United Nations on the humanitarian response please contact the office of the UNSG's Humanitarian Envoy:


PO Box 250, Street 804, Building 44 Zone 66 West Bay Lagoon
Doha, Qatar


+974 4414 0847


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